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Prof. Dr. Arif Çağdaş Aydınoğlu


Smart Cities, GIS, Data Infrastructure

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Prof. Dr. Mustafa Türkmen

Vice Director

Transportation Materials, Collaborations

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Assist. Prof. Göker Aksoy

Vice Director

Traffic Simulation, Transportation and Traffic, Transportation Planning

Phone: 0262 605 18 44

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Res. Ass. Tansu Çetin

Road/Street Lighting, Electric Vehicles, Distributed Generation, Optimization

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Res. Ass. Abdullah Uğur TOPAL

Transportation Data Model, Computer Vision, Site Selection, WebCBS

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Res. Ass. ALİ Doğan GÜMÜŞSOY

Site selection, Accessibility and Network Analyzes, Digital Twin

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Öğr. Gör. Alpaslan GÖZEL

Hybrid Classification Algorithms, Commercialization and Crowdfunding

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Prof. Dr. Hasari Çelebi

GTU Computer Engineering

Communication Systems

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sinan AKGÜL

GTU Computer Engineering

Computer Vision, National Language Processing, Machine Learning

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Prof. Dr. Koray KAYABOL

GTU Electronic Engineering

Image Processing, Remote Sensing

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Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Recep ÖNLER

GTU Mechanical Engineering

Advanced Manufacturing Methods, Surface Engineering

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Prof. Dr. Cemal Özer YİĞİT

GTU Map/Geomatic Engineering


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Assoc. Prof. Ayşenur BUDAK

GTU Industry Engineering

Logistics and Supply Chain

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Assoc. Prof. Orhan SEVİMOĞLU

GTU Environmental Engineering

Air Pollution and Control, Air Quality Modeling, Greenhouse Gas Emission

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Assist. Prof. Yaşasın ERYILMAZ

GTU Urban and Regional Planning

Urban Transport, Transport Economy


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Prof. Dr. Hande DEMİREL

İTU Geomatic Engineering

Spatial mobility, Accessibility

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Prof. Dr. Nursu TUNALIOĞLU

YTU Map/Geomatic Engineering

Transportation Project Management

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Prof. Dr. Sermin ONAYGİL

İTU Energy Institute

Smart Cities and Lighting, Optics, Photonics, Electricity Supply Facilities

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Prof. Dr. Metin ŞENBİL

Gazi Univ. Urban and Regional Planning

Transportation and Parking Planning

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Assoc. Prof. Berk ANBAROĞLU

Hacettepe Univ. Geomatic Engineering

Transportation and Parking Planning

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Assist. Prof. Eda USTAOĞLU

A.Gül University

Land Use Forecasting with Transportation Modeling

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Assist. Prof. Serkan GİRGİN

Twente Üniv. – ITC

Big Data Management Center

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Res. Ass. Çağlar TOZLUOĞLU

Chalmers University of Technology

Transport Mobility Model